About Me

My Background
I am Vin DragonHeart. My interest in spirituality started at early age once I started believing in magic. I searched all materials I could find in the libraries and internet to gain esoteric knowledge. Releasing my shadows and upgrading my energy served as a conduit to my spiritual awakening.

As a multidimensional facilitator of change, I aim to empower my clients to live lives free of detrimental influences and energies. Combining the abilities of my spirit & spirit team, I strive to liberate those who seek my services. My journey began in the early 2000'S after being initiated into the Usui Tibetan Method of Reiki. This aided in clearing my energy field, mind and body of excessive negative energy. Reach out to me to find out how I can help you restore and revitalize yourself.

Embodying Sovereignty
My ultimate goal is to assist people to step into their Sovereign Self. By holding space using Source Dimensional Energy, I am dedicated to improving the lives of those I work with. I clear negative entities, curses, contracts, astral parasites, detrimental spiritual devices and dark programming from DNA. I work with your light and dark polarities, each being compatible with specific energies. Being a Starseed, I also work with Arcturians, Dragons & Blue Avians, each bringing in their own energy into the sessions to help liberate you.
My Modalities
I use my own form of channeling Source Dimensional Energy during sessions. I also am a custodian of spiritual technology called Dragon Armour. Some of the other modalities that I have learnt over the years are Infinity Healing, Grace Healing and Light Language.

Infinity Healing
Infinity Healing connects you to Source/God/Universe to do what it knows to do that is for your highest good. This can include clearing past lives, karma, things from parents, ancestors etc. Healings are set on autopilot to continuously work on the issue at hand.

Grace Healing
Grace Healing brings in Source to scan for various disturbances, including Abusive Programming in your cells. With this modality, Abusive Programming the root cause the issues in your life. Since it has no resonant frequency, it cannot be detected by traditional means. But, it can be scanned and cleared by Source.

Light Language Facilitator
I am a Light Language Facilitator, channeling intent and light code from my spirit. Light Language can manifest vocally, writing, movement & dance. It can clear stuck energies, attachments and trauma with lightening speed. I sometimes use Light Language in sessions or to encode digital media with healing or clearing frequencies.

Reiki - Usui Tibetan Method
Reiki is a popular & most well known of energy healing modalities. This was my initiation into the world of energy healing. While I do not practice traditional reiki anymore, I still maintain the utmost respect and admiration for practitioners who paved the way for healing and spiritual development of others.

Emotional Freedom Technique
Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT Tapping is a popular and efficient way to shift memories, thoughts, traumas and beliefs. By tapping on certain points on your body, we are able to neutralise negative emotions and energy stored in your meridians and organs. You are then able to release the stuck energy/emotions surrounding traumas allowing you to move foward.